Why I like Diplo + Best Of Diplo’s Twitter from November up to now. (With a few calssic exeptions)

After listening to Diplo latest Remix for The Streets the idea for this entry came to mind. Diplo is, besides being the world’s number one self centred hedonist fuck, one of the  most versatile producers around. Not only because he show it in his rare releases which I would consider as serious, and not because we share a conditioned love for reggae pop – no …

it’s his trashy stuff and the way he treats it. Besides the imagry he constructs around his dj alter ego there must be someone with a deep understanding for musical aesthetics – not only in an intellectual way but in opposite terms. Diplo’s remixes can either sound super trashy but he hits the right or in this sense even wrong/right notes in this context. Even if the melody sounds like being done by a five year old with no musical training, he fixes it and turns the self produced shitty material thorugh the right contextualization into gold. Producing shit with a message. I’m lost I know.

Okay I’ll fuck off: This is why I also like Diplo:

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3 Responses to Why I like Diplo + Best Of Diplo’s Twitter from November up to now. (With a few calssic exeptions)

  1. Pingback: Der Samstag am Donaufestival | The Message Magazine Online

  2. mr. scooper says:

    hahaha genialer mensch.

  3. Bryon says:

    This is awesome. Thanks for the LOLs

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